Berovo, 22-25 February 2016 – Audit Authority of Montenegro attended the workshop for Audit Authorities and NAO Support Offices which was organised by the EC Directorate General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations and held by experts from Brussels, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia and Turkey.
The workshop aimed to give general guidance regarding to the process of entrustment of budget implementation tasks for Instrument for Pre-accession assistance II (IPA II) and explain possible challenges this process might imply. Further, during the seminar, experts pointed out the increasing role of the audit authorities and NAO support offices in the performance of controls (administrative and on the spot) in order to protect financial interests of the European Union and the beneficiary country.
Participants had the opportunity to visit two projects financed by IPA I funds, for Programme Macedonia – Bulgaria (Restauration of nature for good quality of life, in Berovo and the second one in Vinica Building cross-border cultural cooperation) in order to check their effectiveness and sustainability. Event was ended with presentation of the best on-the spot control practices and lessons learned.
Besides Audit Authority and NAO Support Office from Montenegro, the seminar was attended by representatives from relevant institutions in Albania, Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.